The U.S. Army Psychological Warfare Division–Defense Intelligence Agency Weird Desk (Nazi-Satanist Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino) and the CIA Occult Bureau tipped off their hand when Rachel Jeantel`s black face and image attached to .... Ruskin in his turn is said to have been influenced by Bavarian Illuminatus Adam Weistaupt and Isis-occultism of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the basis for many novel occultic offshoots including the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the& ...
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One of the best summaries of the situation, not so ironically, written by the man, who in so many ways, started it all. We cannot recommend this entire article, highly enough, whether you need a recapt of the basics, or whether& ...
Albert Pike was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Albert Pike was mastered and handled ... It is the sign of the one-eyed King, Satan! Notice the ear-rings are in the& ...
The intellectual Lucifer(satan)… is the Holy Spirit, while the physicalLucifer is the great agent of universal magnetism.2 Albert Pike`s book Moralsand Dogma is still recommended to members of the Scottish Rite in the USA,& ...
The U.S. Army Psychological Warfare Division–Defense Intelligence Agency Weird Desk (Nazi-Satanist Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino) and the CIA Occult Bureau tipped off their hand when Rachel Jeantel`s black face and image attached to .... Ruskin in his turn is said to have been influenced by Bavarian Illuminatus Adam Weistaupt and Isis-occultism of Edward Bulwer-Lytton, the basis for many novel occultic offshoots including the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, the& ...
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